It’s the noun used for natives or inhabitants of a certain place, like Scandinavian, Liverpudlian, or Hoosier.
What’s a demonym?
What’s your problem with collective animal pronouns?
We leave those to the poets. Murder isn’t the only term used for crows. Horde, hover, mob, muster, parcel, and many others are also “correct.” On the flip-side, other birds, like magpies, are also collectively called “murders.” You can see how this can get problematic fairly quickly.
For the purposes of trivia? Yes, absolutely. So are black and all of the grays in between. Is the flag of Poland red & white or red & the presence or absence of all color depending on if we’re talking about a digital or physical representation, respectively?
Is white a color?
Is Scotland a country?
Absolutely; it’s one of the constituent countries that make up the United Kingdom in the same way that Denmark is a constituent country of the Kingdom of Denmark, and I know you think Denmark is a country.